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Icon: Icon of Our Lady of Tenderness

Technique: natural tempera colors (prepared with egg yolks and vinegar) on the table

Made in: Mount Athos

Dimensions: 40 x 30 cm x 3 cm


The icon of Our Lady of Tenderness is much loved in the byzantine world and is often found in the homes of the faithful. It depicts the Madonna who with great austerity and tenderness approaches her face to touch that of the child Jesus Christ who holds tight in her arms. the face of the madonna and in her right hand contains a scroll with the divine law .

This icon takes on a straordinario religious and artistic value as it is a unique work that was painted by a monk dean of the monastery of Mount Athos.


Mount Athos is an Independent Monastic Republic, located on a promontory in northeastern Greece. Its territory hosts only monasteries that inhabited only by monks who with their prayer and their work substein the monastery.


One of the most important activities in the monasteries is that which is entrusted to a small number of monks and it concerns the painting e the making of icons. Each icon comes painted with a superfine technique, handed down over the centuries from monk to monk. The time taken to complete an icon varies according to the figure represented and its size. In any case, several months pass between prayer and work to complete the icon which is the result of a deep meditation.


Each icon created in Mount Athos, in addition to being a sign of faith, also represents a unique and particularly rare work of art. Unique because it is made after months of prayer, meditation and work. Rare because their production is very slow and the icons of Mount Athos are requested by the churches of all the world.


The technique for the realization of this icon is very complex and already starts from the choice of the wood that will be used for the table. This will then be prepared with a technique used and perfected for centuries to last over time and become the patrimony of those who own it. After being composed and smoothed, the board is prepared to receive the tempera colors. The surface preparation is complex and articulated. several layers of stucco are superimposed that incorporate a canvas that serves to reinforce the board itself and to make it more suitable to withstand even the micro-movements of the wood. they are prepared in the monasteries themselves by adding egg yolks and vinegar which will make, over time, more persistent and vivid the colors themselves.


This icon in consideration of its high religious and artistic value, represents a precious heritage for a church, for one's home as an asset to be handed down in the family or to be placed in a picture gallery. For this is accompanied by a detailed photographic certificate of authenticity which certifies its origin and originality.

The shipment is treated in detail and with maximum protection, using only couriers specialized in the handling of opere dell'arte.


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Icon Our Lady of Tenderness Mount Athos (40x30)

€ 1.490,00Price

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